Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tongues, Prophesies, and Feminists

Ponderings from the Pulpit
10/11/09 | I Corinthians 14:28-40.

14:26 - Intro: When everyone has a way that they want to do church, the service can end up in chaos. While it is good to have personal time with God, there is a big difference between personal time and public time. Paul continually brings us back to its original purpose, and so we should be asking: What is best for the church, for its building up? Is what I am doing, how I am worshiping, best for those around me? This is contrary to the very modern notion that its all about me, and what makes me feel good, and close to God.

14:27-28 - Tongues: It is not a superior gift, and must be restricted. No more than 2 or 3, and their must be an interpreter. Is this quenching the Spirit? No! That is how He wanted it. "But these people really love Jesus." Then they need to love Him enough to obey Him. Worship as He says, not as I want.

14:29-33 - Prophesy: Again, 2 or 3 at the most. The Spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet--it can be controlled, so do so. God is not a God of confusion, but of peace. Our services need to reflect the character of God. Where God is at work their is order and peace.

14:33-35 - Women: Can women speak in church? Of course, look at Chapter 11 (when women pray or prophesy...cover their heads.) There are many things they can do, but they cannot be elders or pastors--exercise authority. They are not permitted to question or judge the prophesy or giver publicly, evaluate and judge it on their own. This speaks to being in submission to the authority, both of the church, and of her husband. "Ask at home" - husbands better be studying and ready for questions about what happens in church. Be willing to study it out, perhaps even say, "Why don't we study this together?"

14:36-40 - Conclusion: Paul anticipates argument and so concludes with basically asking, "did you write the Bible? Didn't think so. This is a command of God." Where am I, in my life, doing what the Corinthians were doing? Where am I writing my own Scripture, where am I tempted to think that I am special and don't have to obey commands of God?

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