Monday, May 25, 2009

How do I know I am saved?

I Cor. 15:9 - If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied.

"For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God... The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God." (Romans 8:14,16)

That really seems to explain it. I am such a skeptic, and I know all too well the doubts and "holes" that I think I find and that I can't explain away. Lewis said something to the effect that at the end of the day, the apologists is unsure, knowing the holes in his own arguments that the person he was addressing didn't see. Obviously he said it infinitely better than I, but the gist is what is really important, I can perhaps argue well, but at the end of the day, I am still left with some doubts and questions. That is ok. That's part of what faith is all about. I doubt that I will ever, this side of eternity, exist without my questions and some doubts, but there is a unshaky foundation that doesn't doubt, doesn't even worry, but rather remains sure that I have placed my hope and my trust on the the Living Word. Rational, not so much, explainable, not really, but I don't think it needs to be, or really is supposed to be. That is why He calls it faith.

Can I point to a specific time or place that I came to Christ? No. For many people, this would be bothersome, but for me, it isn't a real issue. While God may have a specific time when I "became His", I don't know when that was, and that is ok. Being able to point to a time and place would not lessen my doubt, and so I don't need it. Salvation is more than just belief--even the demons believe, and shudder!--all truth statements that I espouse about God, I would imagine Satan would agree with, he just wouldn't like it. Salvation rather includes the acknowledgement of truth claims, but must be accompanied by submission, without it we are no better than the first rebels, who knew everything about God, and still chose not to follow Him. Rather, I can look and see the evidence of His sanctifying work, and that is more comforting that recalling an experience that may or may not have included an actual submission of my will to His.

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