Sunday, August 16, 2009

Reflections from Hebrews 1

An weighty chapter from a weighty book...

The writer begins by describing Christ, showing how He is superior to the prophets and angels. In vs. 3 he says this, "He upholds the universe by the word of His power." . What an incredible statement! He already mentions in vs. 2 how through Him all things were created, but this goes beyond that. He not only created it, He keeps it running. God the Sustainer.

I don't think about creation that much--at least the initial act of it. Even less the continuing sustaining of it. I think it is in man's nature to take things for granted, our continued existence notwithstanding. Just think about that for a moment, let it sink in. All that we see and experience continues to exist because of Christ's sustaining work. I'm no Greek scholar, but the English word "uphold" doesn't seem to me to be a passive word. He didn't set it up and then watches, He actively ensuring that it (the universe--all that exists) continues to function as He pleases. And we go right on with our lives not even thinking about it.

I immediately see many theological implications in this statement, and all that the writer says about Christ, but for now, just meditate on Christ the Sustainer of All. He is truly awe-some.

1 comment:

  1. This reminded me to use Hebrews in my Life of Christ lessons. Thanks!
